Re: Future position of libraries towards copyright 2

Subject: Re: Future position of libraries towards copyright 2
From: Sally Morris (
Date: ma 26 tammi  1998 - 12:09:34 EET

I'd just like to say that I strongly support everything Edward Barrow said.

Sally Morris

At 22:47 15/01/98 +0000, you wrote:
>If we are to predict the future, we have to remove our blinkers. And even
then we
>will get it wrong. The only thing I can say for certain is that what I am
>predicting will not happen. But parts of it will......
>Angelique Mattioli ou Marianne Heimann wrote:
>> Martijn - your questions just raise more questions!
>> >Will there be librarians or publishers in the digital future?
>> Librarians, yes. Publishers, less. Printers, no more...
>Librarians as we know them today will vanish, but people with information
>management skills will still be needed. Many of them may have trained as
>librarians. . Publishers - there will be organisations that invest in,
manage, and
>add value to the creative work of authors. But they probably won't be the same
>organisations as today's publishers, with the possible exception of the very
>biggest. Tomorrow's small "publishers" are today working as web-designers,
>computer programmers, multimedia developers - they're arty, commercial, techie
>types, not booklovers at all.
>> >Should the public sector continue to finance free or low-cost access to
>> >information?
>> Of course, it is paid that for.
>There can't be an "of course". Hospitals, pensions, social security payments,
>unemployment benefits all demand money from taxpayers, and yet taxpayers
want to
>pay less and less. Every penny from government has to be justified (and the
>situation with public finances will get worse before it gets better).I think
>public libraries are more important than operas, big agricultural
subsidies, and
>cars for government officials but less important than schools, hospitals
and the
>environment. But other voters have other priorities.
>> >If so, is the public library model the right one?
>> It's the only model !!!
>>From inside the library, it is the only model you can see. But it is not
the only
>model. It may well be the best model, but librarians will have to argue the
>more strongly.
>Up to now, everyone has associated books with reading with learning and
>But this association is breaking down as books are becoming less important.
>books are important and educational. So are some videos and some interactive
>computer works. The Internet is an important academic tool; perhaps 80% of the
>traffic on some sections of the Internet is pornography.
>It is important that good, educational and informative books, videos, computer
>programs, websites, multimedia etc are made as widely available as
possible and
>as affordable as possible. There are many arguments about how to achieve this,
>and some may involve public funding. But it must be profitable for people to
>invest the time, money and effort in producing the good, educational and
>informative content.
>> >And, as well as publishers, remember that authors depend on copyright to
>> >live. After all, copyright starts out as an author's right.
>> In medical literature, authors HAVE TO transfer their copyright to
>> starts as an author right but the money gets to "perception societies"
>> andpublishers.
>There is no law that says they have to transfer their right to publishers.
>Scholars choose to do so in order to be published. Maybe today's publishers
>too much power in that particular exchange, but that is mainly because
>collectively place so much importance on peer-reviewed publication.
>Just because some publishers strongly excercise the rights they have
acquired from
>authors is no reason to deny all authors their basic right to control the way
>their creativity is exploited.
>The digital future and the information society will change absolutely our
>pre-existing notions. It is sterile and pointless to think in terms of the old
>battlegrounds between librarians and publishers. There will be creators,
>many many more as the new technology makes it more accessible. There will be
>investors. And there will be information specialists. But they won't be
like book
>authors, book publishers or librarians.
>> Anglique Mattioli,
>> Librarian, Poet & Writer.
>> Institut de Pathologie et de Gntique asbl,
>> alle des Templiers, 41, B - 6280 LOVERVAL
>> +32(0) Fax : +32(0)
>> *** *** ***
>Edward Barrow's Unofficial Internet Copyright Pages
>"We must take care to guard against two extremes equally prejudicial; the
>one, that men (and women) of ability, who have employed their time for the
>service of their community, may not be deprived of their just merits, and
>the reward of their ingenuity and labour; the other, that the world may not
>be deprived of improvements, nor the progress of the arts be retarded"
>- per Mansfield LJ in Sayre v. Moore, 1785.
Sally Morris
Director of Copyright and Licensing
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UD
Tel: 01243 7770365 Fax: 01243 770429 Email:

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