Subject: Copyright permissions web-site
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 08 tammi 1998 - 16:12:57 EET
Dear list members,
This message was posted by Laura Gasaway to the US CNI Copyright list.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
Here is a very useful new website developed by the Professional
Center Library for Law and Management at Wake Forest University. It
contains links to publishers' and journals' copyright permission pages.
The website was designed to make it easier for law faculty to contact
copyright holders to obtain permission to use copyrighted materials in
scholarly writing and teaching. A number of nonlegal publishers are
also included.
The URL is:
Laura N. Gasaway phone: 919-962-1049
Director of the Law Library &
Professor of Law fax: 919-962-1193
Law Library, CB # 3385
Unversity of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27713 e-mail:
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