Subject: UK Database Directive implementation
From: Norman, Sandy (
Date: ti 25 marras 1997 - 16:42:53 EET
Dear colleagues
The UK final draft of the legislation to implement the Database
Directive is now published. I am now looking at it carefully with a
view to issuing some guidance. However, there is still that phrase
contained within on extraction of a substantial part by a lawful user
"for the purposes of illustration for teaching and research" which is
totally unhelpful when it comes to interpretation and giving examples.
If the word "illustration" is removed it makes sense but not when it
remains. Has anyone or does anyone wish to hazard a guess as to
exactly what this means? Stuart Booth at the UK Patent Office
indicated that library uses could be covered by this as it could be
interpreted broadly but I fail to see this. I think we should assume
that it is broad until challenged but I would like more evidence.
How is this being interpreted in other EEA member states?
Sandy Norman
Information Manager (Legal and Parliamentary)
Information Services
The Library Association
7 Ridgmount Street
London WC1E 7AE
Tel: 0171 636 7543 Fax: 0171: 436 7218
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