German Copyright Law Web-site

Subject: German Copyright Law Web-site
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 04 marras 1997 - 15:25:26 EET

Dear list members,

This message was originally sent to the US CNI Copyright-list.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
Dear colleagues,

The German Institute for Information, Telecommunication and Media Law
has recently extended its central homepage on internet law and
includes now a new link search machine. Please have a look on and do not hesitate to contact us
for further comments.

Yours sincerely
Thomas Hoeren
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
Institut fuer Informations-, Telekommunikations-
und Medienrecht (ITM)
Zivilrechtliche Abteilung
Bispinghof 24/25
D- 48143 Muenster
Tel.: +49/251/8329919
Fax: +49/251/8321177

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