Subject: (no subject)
From: Fytton Rowland (
Date: pe 10 loka 1997 - 13:04:57 EEST
[Please excuse cross-posting]
Second ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing 98: Call for Papers
Towards the Information-Rich Society
Conference Centre of the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary,
20-22 April 1998
The second ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing, will take place on
20-22 April 1998 at Budapest, Hungary. The theme is Towards the
Information-Rich Society. As at the first ICCC/IFIP Electronic Publishing
conference held in Canterbury, England, in 1997, papers on technical, human
and economic aspects of electronic publishing will be welcomed.
The conference will be concerned with electronic publication both for
specialist audiences and for the general public. One track will include
such topics as electronic scholarly publishing, publishing of technical
manuals, electronic art galleries, and other specialist areas. The other
track will concern electronic publications in public libraries, and
electronic provision of local community or tourist information, government
information, and the like. Neither of these lists is meant to be exhaustive
and submissions on any topic within the Conference's overall theme will be
It is hoped that the keynote paper will be given by Esther Dyson (EDVenture
The Programme Committee now calls for papers for presentation at the
conference. These should report real experiences, research or development
projects, or intellectual contributions on the theme of the conference.
Papers reporting experience of real-life activities on a significant scale
are especially sought.
All submissions will be refereed by members of the Programme Committee. The
working languages of the conference will be English and Russian, and
simultaneous translation will be provided at the conference, but initial
submission of abstracts should be in English. The Proceedings will be
published after the conference in English; translation of those papers given
in Russian will be arranged by the editors.
Financial support for attendance at the conference by attendees from Central
and Eastern European countries has generously been provided by the
Electronic Publishing Development Programme of the Open Society Institute,
Budapest, and submitted papers from these countries will be particularly
welcome. Speakers from other nations whose papers are accepted will have
not be charged the conference fee, but will be responsible for their own
travel and accommodation costs.
The Programme Committee consists of: David Warlock (EPS Ltd), Chair; Fytton
Rowland (Loughborough University), Co-chair; John W.T. Smith (University of
Kent at Canterbury), Chair of the Organising Committee; Cliff McKnight
(Loughborough University); Frances Pinter (OSI, Budapest); Harry Rudin (IBM,
Zurich); and Judith Wusteman (University College Dublin)
Abstracts in English of no more than 500 words should be sent by e-mail
(preferred), fax or post to:
Fytton Rowland, Co-Chair, Programme Committee,
Second ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing,
Department of Information and Library Studies,
Loughborough University,
Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK
Telephone (direct line with 24-hour answering)
+44 (0) 1509 223039
Fax +44 (0) 1509 223053
***Closing date for receipt: 12 noon G.M.T. on Monday 17 November 1997***
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