Subject: WIPO database documents
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 26 elo 1997 - 15:36:35 EEST
Dear list members,
I have just received from the WIPO International Bureau three
interesting documents for the WIPO informative meeting on intellectual
property in databases. The meeting is planned for 17-19 September 1997
in Geneva.
1. Existing national and regional legislation concerning intellectual
property in databases
2. Information received from the member states of WIPO concerning
intellectual property in databases
3. Information received from member states of WIPO and from the
community and its member states
The documents are available on the web in English, French and Spanish
You can find the documents under Documents/Publications - WIPO meeting
17-19 September.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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