Subject: US Legal protection of databases
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 26 elo 1997 - 12:43:37 EEST
Dear list members,
This message was originally posted by Terry Caroll to the US CNI
Copyright discussion list.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
I note that the U.S. Copyright Office has made two recent reports
available on its web site. The reports are:
- Report on Legal Protection for Databases (August 1997); and
- A Review of the Copyright Licensing Regimes Covering
Retransmission of Broadcast Signals (August 1997).
The first report discusses possible legal protection for databases,
gives an overview of the past and present domestic and
international legal framework for database protection. It
describes database industry practices in securing protection
against unauthorized use, and Copyright Office registration
practices relating to databases. Finally, it discusses issues
raised and concerns expressed in a series of Copyright Office
meetings with representatives of a wide range of interested
parties. The report does not make recommendations on either the
advisability or the form of any database protection legislation;
rather, it presents the issues to be addressed and some options
for dealing with specific concerns.
The second report discusses:
a review of the copyright licensing regimes governing the
retransmission of over-the-air radio and television broadcast
signals by cable systems, satellite carriers, and other
multichannel video providers. The specific issues addressed in
this review include whether the compulsory licenses should
continue to exist , whether harmonization of the satellite and
cable compulsory licenses is possible and desirable, whether the
satellite compulsory license should be extended, whether to
extend either of those licenses to new technologies such as open
video systems and the Internet, whether the satellite carrier
compulsory license should encompass the local retransmission of
broadcast signals, how to solve the disputes surrounding the
"unserved household" restriction for the retransmission of network
television stations that is currently a part of the satellite
compulsory license, and whether the satellite compulsory licensing
regime should make a special provision for the retransmission of a
national satellite feed of the Public Broadcasting Service with a
separate royalty rate for such a signal.
The URL for both reports is
The reports are available both in Adobe PDF format and WordPerfect
format. I understand that they will also be available in HTML in a
week or so.
-- Terry Carroll | "Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids. Santa Clara, CA | In fact, it's cold as hell." - Bernie Taupin, 1972 | "Air temperatures ... show an afternoon high near +9 Modell delenda est | degrees Fahrenheit." - Mars Pathfinder Mission, 1997
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