BL signs rights agreement with publishers

Subject: BL signs rights agreement with publishers
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 20 elo    1997 - 17:30:14 EEST

Dear list members,

I found the following press release on the US liblicense-list. Some of
you must have already heard about this major agreement, but, although
the press release is of 10 July 1997, I thought some of you will not
have seen it.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
10 July 1997

The British Library has reached agreement with nine publishers of
scientific, technical and medical (STM) journal literature to improve
the availability of information to researchers and students.
The agreements will allow the British Library to deliver copies of
articles from the journals produced by the nine publishers by
facsimile and other controlled methods of electronic transmission as
well as conventional document delivery. Some of the publishers
involved have also agreed in principle for the provision of electronic
bibliographic data and access to full text in electronic format.
The agreements will play a key role in the British Library's inside
service, but will also apply to all requests processed by the
Library's Copyright Fee Paid service.
The publishers involved include:
The American Institute of Physics
Blackwell Science Ltd.
Carfax Publishing Ltd.
Elsevier Science B.V.
Plenum Publishing Corporation
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Thomson Science and Professional under the imprints of Chapman and
Hall,Rapid Science and E. and F.N. Spon
In total they are responsible for over 10% of the items supplied by
the British Library to remote users.
These are important agreements for the research community, many
members of which rely upon the British Library for access to a very
wide range of the world's published literature' said Malcolm Smith,
Director of Bibliographic Services and Document Supply at the British
Library. These agreements will allow the British Library to offer an
improved service to its customers. We look forward to a long-term
working relationship with these publishers and hope that others will
agree to similar arrangements in future.'
Notes to Editors
1. The British Library is the National Library of the United Kingdom
and one of the world's greatest libraries. It offers the widest range
of document supply, bibliographic and information services of any
national library. It operates from 19 sites in London and from Boston
Spa in Yorkshire. A new purpose built home is currently being
constructed in London. The first reading room (for humanities) opens
to users in November 1997. The Library is committed to using new
technology whenever possible to ensure wider and better access to its
2. As part of its policy of improved services to its remote users the
British Library is developing its inside service. This is an
integrated current awareness, document ordering and document delivery
service based on the collections held at the British Library Document
Supply Centre. The current awareness service, which provides records
at article level, covers over 20,000 journal titles and 16,000
conference proceedings every year. Over 10,000 of the journal titles
are indexed back to 1993. In addition, the inside service provides
access to articles from the 250,000 journals held by the British
Library, through a simple document ordering facility. The database is
currently available on CD-ROM in two sub-sets covering (a) the
sciences and (b) the social sciences and humanities. It will shortly
be available over the World Wide Web.


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