WIPO Meetings

Subject: WIPO Meetings
From: Norman, Sandy (NormanS@la-hq.org.uk)
Date: pe 15 elo    1997 - 18:25:12 EEST

Dear colleagues

I have just received papers for the WIPO Committee of Experts on a
Protocol concerning Audiovisual Performances which will meet on
September 15-16th and the Information Meeting on Intellectual Property
in Databases to be held on September 17-19th. The important meeting
for us will be the second one which is likely to follow the EU
Directive. If anyone wants to see the papers they are on the WIPO web
page www.wipo.int.

Sandy Norman
Information Manager (Legal and Parliamentary)
Information Services
The Library Association
7 Ridgmount Street
London WC1E 7AE
Tel: 0171 636 7543 Fax: 0171: 436 7218 Email: normans@la-hq.org.uk

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