Current events in the museum world

Subject: Current events in the museum world
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 07 elo    1997 - 19:48:59 EEST

Dear list members,

I came across some interesting events and activities in the museum world
in Europe and the US which I would like to share with you.

1. ICHIM '97
Fourth International Conference on HyperMedia
and InterActivity in Museums, 1-5 September 97 in Paris

On the programme is a workshop on Copyright and other IPR concerns
(1/9/97). During this session an update will be given on the European
Commission Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on multimedia access to
Europ's cultural heritage.

This Memorandum of Understanding was created as a co-operation framework
signed by the cultural sector and the industry. It is a voluntary
agreement, entered into by organisations prepared to be both pioneers
and active participants in developing consensus on issues of common
interests, like copyright and IPR.

The initative dates back to June 1996. The MoU was signed for an initial
period of 2 years. After June 1998 the terms and objectives of the MoU
will be reviewed by all signatories.

The MoU can be found at:

More information on ICHIM '97 can be found at:

AMICO stands for Art Museum Image Consortium. This new, not for profit
organisation will create an additional avenue of non-exclusive licensing
of intellectual property rights for its member museum and galleries, and
the distribution of museum digital content to the educational sector.
The consortium is being developed by the Association of Art Museum
More information can be found at:

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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