Subject: Re: Draft UK model licence
From: John Crosby (
Date: ma 28 heinä 1997 - 19:53:21 EEST
The U.S. library associations (see below) have developed, and are
currently asking their respective Boards of Directors to review, a
document entitled, "Principles for Licensing Agreements." It is
hoped that this new document can assist all librarians in
negotiating with information providers. Here is the beginning of the
document, with the URL for the rest of it:
License agreements are a fact of life in conducting business in
the electronic environment. Providers of electronic information
resources are employing licenses as a legal means of controlling
the use of their products. In the electronic environment where
the traditional print practice of ownership through purchase is
being replaced by access through license, libraries need to be
aware that licensing arrangements may restrict their legal rights
and those of their users. As responsible agents for an institution,
librarians must negotiate licenses that address the institution's
needs and recognize its obligations to the licensor.
To help provide guidance in this continuously evolving
environment, the American Association of Law Libraries,
American Library Association, Association of Academic Health
Sciences Libraries, Association of Research Libraries, Medical
Library Association, and Special Libraries Association have
combined to develop a statement of principles. These six
associations represent an international membership of libraries
of all types and sizes. The intent of this document is two-fold: to
guide libraries in negotiating license agreements for access to
electronic resources, and to provide licensors with a sense of the
issues of importance to libraries and their user communities in
such negotiations.
The Special Libraries Association provided funding to
support the development and distribution of the principles. The
Principles are available on the Web at
John Crosby Director, Government Relations
Special Libraries Association (202) 234-4700, x629
1700 18th Street, NW FAX: (202) 265-9317
Washington, DC 20009-2514
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