Subject: Green Paper on European Patents
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 21 heinä 1997 - 18:16:52 EEST
Dear list members,
The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper on the European patent
system, which aims to determine if the European patent system should be
improved and modernised.
The Green Paper is designed to provide a basis for consultation with all
interested parties, in order to determine whether users' needs are
currently being met and whether new measures should be taken at
Community level. In particular, it asks whether the Community Patent
Convention, which dates from 1975, should be replaced by full scale
Community legislation which would ensure that businesses and innovators
could secure patent protection throughout the Single Market on the basis
of a single patent application.
The consultation process is to end in November 1997, when a hearing with
interested parties will be organised by the Luxembourg Presidency of the
Council. Following this, the Commission will be able to determine its
legislative agenda.
Observations should be submitted to DGXV/E-3 by 7 November 1997 at the
Copies of the Green Paper may be downloaded from the EUROPA WWW server,
or from
European Commission
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax: +322-2961736
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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