Electronic Publishing '97 - Abstracts available

Subject: Electronic Publishing '97 - Abstracts available
From: J.W.T.Smith (J.W.T.Smith@ukc.ac.uk)
Date: ke 26 maalis 1997 - 12:06:46 EET

        ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing '97
                 "New Models and Opportunities"
     14-16 April 1997, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK

Abstracts available...

The full set of abstracts of the Conference Papers are now available on
our Web pages. They can be accessed from the Web version of our Advance
Programme at:


Delegates from 25 countries...

This is proving to be a truly international conference with delegates from
25 countries already registered.

Late registrations...

There are a few places left if you would like to join us. You can request
a hardcopy Advance Programme and Registration Form from Olivia Homes at
UKC (oh@ukc.ac.uk, Tel: +44 (0)1227 823289, Fax: +44 (0)1227 823984) or
view the latest version of the Advance Programme and pick up a
Registration Form in a range of formats from our home page at:


John Smith,
Conference Co-Chair,
University of Kent at Canterbury.

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