Liblicense Web-site

Subject: Liblicense Web-site
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 24 maalis 1997 - 15:25:12 EET

Dear list members,

Licensing issues are dominating the US library discussion lists at the
moment. Today, Ann Okerson of Yale University announced that she has set
up a Web-site which provides access to existing publisher licences. It
contains at the moment 9 licences. You can find the Web-site at:

This is a very good initiative. What do you think of the licensing
conditions for the use of electronic material?

Last December, I attended a conference on Licensing Electronic Resources:
State of the Evolving Art. It was a very good conference. The summary of
the proceedings can be found at:

An interesting development in the US is the negotiations of
consortium-wide licences for libraries. Barbara McFadden Allen reported
on her experiences in this area. She is the Director of a consortium of
12 Midwestern Universities that has mandated collaboration among its
libraries. During the last two years, the consortium has negotiated eight
large contracts for member libraries at an estimated saving of one
million dollars! You will find some more information on this issue in the
proceeding of the conference.

Only in the UK, I came accross library consortium agreements. I am very
interesting to know of any other national library consortium initiatives
for the licensing of electronic resources in Europe.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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