(no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
From: Cliff McKnight (C.Mcknight@lboro.ac.uk)
Date: su 16 maalis 1997 - 16:04:50 EET

[** apologies for cross posting **]

Journal of Digital Information -- Call for Submissions

The Journal of Digital Information, JoDI, is an electronic journal (with no
paper equivalent form) intended to serve the community of workers in the
multidisciplinary field of digital information. The journal aims to be the
primary electronic source for high quality refereed articles. The journal will
also provide support for the online discussion of articles, a process as vital
to the community as the formal publication process itself.

The formal launch of JoDI will be at Hypertext '97, the 8th ACM Hypertext
conference to be held at Southampton University from 6-11 April 1997.

The journal invites submissions on a wide variety of topics, for example:

       digital libraries
       hypermedia systems
       intelligent agents
       information management
       interfaces to digital information
       social consequences of digital information
       digital information design

...and related topics. Furthermore, submission of electronic documents which
could not exist in paper form (e.g., containing sound, animation, hypermedia
links) is encouraged. Articles can be submitted in most electronic formats.
However, since the journal will be made available over the World Wide Web,
articles already in this format will require less modification prior to

Access to JoDI will be free at least until December 1998. There is a once-only
registration process before articles can be accessed in order to help in
monitoring usage and developing pricing models.

JoDI will also contain abstracts, book reviews and lab reports which do not
require reader registration.

For details on how to submit articles to JoDI, please refer to the JoDI web
site at http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/

JoDI *************************************************************************> Journal of Digital Information, a new electronic journal supported by the
British Computer Society and Oxford University Press, hosted at the University
of Southampton Multimedia Group and mirrored at the Center for the Study of
Digital Libraries, Texas A&M University.

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