Subject: European Parliament appoints Barzanti
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 06 maalis 1997 - 20:53:24 EET
Dear list members,
Mr Roberto Barzanti has been appointed rapporteur by the Committee on
Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights of the European Parliament for the
Follow-up to the Green Paper on Copyright and Related Rights in the
Information Society.
As rapporteur he will be in charge of drafting the position of the
European Parliament on this subject.
Mr Barzanti, is from Italy and is a member of the Group of the Party of
European Socialists (PSE) and Vice President of the Committee on Legal
Affairs and Citizens' Rights.
Mr Barzanti was also the rapporteur of the report on the Green Paper on
copyright, which was adopted by the European Parliament on 24 July 1996.
Members of EBLIDA can obtain a copy at the EBLIDA secretariat in The
Hague, Non-members can obtain a copy from the office of
the European Parliament in their country. The document number is:
DOC_EN\305\305745, PE 214.303/fin
The draft report is expected to be discussed in the Committee on Legal
Affairs and Citizens' Rights at the end of March. Between now and the
third week of March is the best time to send your comments to him.
His fax number is: 003222849945
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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