Subject: Security & Access for Multimedia Services
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: la 01 maalis 1997 - 23:14:53 EET
Information Engineering Concertation
Security & Access for Multimedia Services
Friday 21 March 1997
Fortezza di Basso
Viale Filippo Strozzi 1
Florence, Italy
The OPEN Concertation meeting is held as part of the EVA
conference running from 19th to 24th March in the Fortezza
da Basso, Florence.
The concertation meeting is planned to be a major event in
association with the DGIII projects COPEARMS and
IMPRIMATUR. The latter will be organising a closed SIG
on Electronic Copyright Management Systems on 22nd March.
The event will be run in the format of an Open Conference.
It is designed to be of general interest to organisations
embarking on the development of multimedia information
services and is intended to provide a forum for debate of
key business issues in the emerging information society.
Attendance is open to any interested party, not only
participants in EC sponsored projects, but also the
European multimedia industry in general and
representatives from the US or Japan. The objective of
the event is to provide a series of sessions with
specific focus on security, access, and EC sponsored
initiatives. Each session will be based around brief
presentations and ase study examples followed by a panel
discussion and questions. The whole day will be
conducted in Plenary session to ensure attendees have an
opportunity to gain maximum benefit from attendance.
The Programme for the day is as follows:
08:30-09:30 Registration
09:30-10:30 PLENARY - Chairman Mr.G.Stephenson
Chairs welcome:
Keynote address: Geoff Webster, FAST
The importance of IPR & Security
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 PLENARY - Security
Presentations from:
Wolfgang Schneider, GMD - Towards a European Public Key
Certification Infrastructure
Peter Lipp, Univ. Graz - Digital Signatures
Prof. Laurie Turner - Digital Watermarking
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:30-15:45 PLENARY - Access: Copyright, Licensing
Presentations from:
Chairman: Chris Barlas, Authors Licensing &
Collecting Soc.
Michelle Ledger, CRID - Copyright requirements for
Gerry Wirtz, Phillips, Copyright & Security for DVD
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:00 PLENARY - EC Sponsored Initiatives
Presentations from:
Dominique Gonthier, DGIII - ESPRIT Programme
Bernard Smith, DGXIII - Telematics Programme
Robbert Fisher, C&L - European Copyright User
17:00 CLOSE
Registration Details:
Both Days - 125 ECUs (160 US Dollars)
20 March 1 only - 80 ECUs (110 US Dollars)
21 March only - 60 ECUs (80 US Dollars)
Both Days - 65 ECUs (85 US Dollars)
20 March only - 40 ECUs ( 50 Dollars)
21 March only - 30 ECUs (40 US Dollars)
Vasari Enterprises Ltd.
Alexander House
50 Station Road
Aldershot GU11 1BG
Phone : 44 1252 350780
Fax : 44 1252 342039
Registration Form for EVA'97 FLORENCE 19-25 March
Title ________________________________________________
Surname ____________________First Name _______________
Name _________________________________________________
Job Title ____________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
Post Code _______________________ Country_____________
Phone ________________________________________________
Fax __________________________________________________
Email ________________________________________________
Principal activity of your organisation
(Please tick one)
Commercial/Government ______________
Cultural/Educational __________________
IE Project number: __________________
N.B. Payments must be made in full and received by
14th March
Type of Registration(Ordinary or Discount)_________________
Both Days _________________
20 March Only _____________
21 March Only _____________
Total Payable ______________
Cheque/Bank Draft enclosed:___________________toVASARI ltd.
Please charge my Credit Card (delete as necessary)
Visa/Mastercard/American Express/
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Card Holders Name _____________________________________
Expiry Date _____________________________________
Signature _____________________________________
Card Bill Address if different from above
Amount _____________________________________
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