Subject: OCLC's Electronic Collections Online
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 17 helmi 1997 - 12:46:52 EET
Dear list members,
I came accross the following interesting new service of OCLC.
OCLC has made a commitment to archive electronic journals through a
service that will be released this spring. Called Electronic Collections
Online, the service will enable participating libraries to subscribe to
large collections of academic and professional journals, from many
publishers, and access them remotely on the Web.
A key component of the service is archival access to the journals the
library has subscribed to through Electronic Collections Online. In its
contractual agreements with publishers, OCLC obtains the right to mount
all content at OCLC and create a permanent electronic archive. This
includes the right to store in perpetuity all of the journal content
delivered to OCLC during the period of the contract and to provide
ongoing access to libraries that have subscribed to this content, even if
the publisher terminates its agreement with OCLC.
The archiving component of Electronic Collections Online also includes 1)
secure, off-site storage of all journal content available through the
service; 2) provisions for maintaining subscription profiles on behalf of
participating libraries; 3) the use of standard data formats to ensure
long-term accessibility of journal articles; 4) provisions for technology
migration; and 5) provisions for making journal content available to
participating libraries in the event that the service is discontinued.
OCLC believes that this policy provides a strong base from which to build
an archiving service that will meet the needs of their library
OCLC intends to continue exploring this critical area with libraries and
their publishing partners in an effort to refine a model to meet the
needs of both for a dependable, accessible permanent record for academic
and professional journals.
OCLC has prepared a printed version of their complete archiving policy
and would be happy to share it with interested parties. A version of it
is available from the OCLC home page under What's new at OCLC at
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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