User rights in Follow-up Green Paper on Copyright

Subject: User rights in Follow-up Green Paper on Copyright
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 12 helmi  1997 - 14:54:07 EET

Dear list members,

The European legislative machinery is in full gear at the moment. After
the adoption of the WIPO Copyright Treaty in December, the European
Commission (DGXV) is planning to release its first Directive based on
the Follow-up to the Green Paper on Copyright before Easter.

As mentioned before the coming Directive will focus on four subjects:

* reproduction right
* right of communication to the public
* legal protection of the integrity of technical identification and
protection schemes
* distribution right

EBLIDA is planning to write a response to the Follow-up of the Green
Paper on Copyright to the European Commission (DGXV) at the end of

I think it would be a good idea to contribute to this response by
discussing the issues one by one on this list.

I would like to start with the user rights (limitations/exceptions) under
the right of reproduction. It is the intention of the European Commission
to harmonise these rights. My question to you is, is there a need for
harmonising the user rights under the right of reproduction and why?
I would like to ask you to have a look at the paragraph concerning this
topic in the Follow-up to the Green Paper on Copyright which can be found
on the ECUP Web-site under *Other Web pages/European Commission/DGXV* at

I look forward to a lively debate.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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