Swedish Authors Publish on the Web

Subject: Swedish Authors Publish on the Web
From: Mikael Book (book@katto.kaapeli.fi)
Date: ke 15 tammi  1997 - 13:06:51 EET

Lars Aronsson of the Runeberg Project (Sweden) informs about an interesting
initiative: "Starting on Monday January 20th, three well-known Swedish
authors will publish books on the Internet. The books can be read online for
free, and also printed-on-demand and sent to the reader for a fee. The
authors are Jan Myrdal, Lars Forsell, and Peter Curman.

More information and a press release (in Swedish) on


quoted from runeberg-list@lysator.liu.se by

   - Mika

Mikael Book * Katto-Meny * Tallbergink 1/39 * FIN-00180 Helsinki
book@kaapeli.fi * Phone +358-9-6947730 * Fax +358-9-27090369
gsm 040 5511 324

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