Subject: Heads of Agreement for site-licences
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 24 tammi 1997 - 23:41:27 EET
Dear list members,
The four different ECUP Heads of Agreement for site-licences are now
available from the ECUP Web-site at
You can find them under ecup-info - documents.
These Heads of Agreement were drafted by the ECUP Steering Group and were
presented for the first time at the ECUP Steering Group meeting with the
rights owners on 24 September 1996. The Heads of Agreement contain the
core legal provisions for site-licences. They were drafted to assist
librarians in their dealings with publishers over site-licences.
The ECUP Steering Group decided to draft Heads of Agreement over model
contracts to accomodate for the different provisions of the national
The Heads of Agreement and the draft ECUP Position and matrices will be
explained in detail at the national ECUP Workshops. The first one was
held in Helsinki last week. Fifteen will follow in the other countries of
the EU and EEA.
For more information on the workshops, please contact me via
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
Project Director ECUP
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