Subject: JSTOR: Redefining access to scholarly literature
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 06 joulu 1996 - 16:05:03 EET
Dear list members,
JSTORE is an interesting site for anybody interested in topics concerning
the access to scholarly literature (
In the broadest sense, JSTOR's mission is to help the scholarly community
take advantage of advances in information technologies. In pursuing this
mission, JSTOR has adopted a system-wide perspective, taking into account
the sometimes conflicting needs of libraries, publishers, and scholars.
JSTOR's goals include the following:
* To build a reliable and comprehensive archive of important scholarly
journal literature
* To improve dramatically access to these journals
* To help fill gaps in existing library collections of journal backfiles
* To address preservation issues such as mutilated pages and long-term
deterioration of paper copy
* To reduce long-term capital and operating costs of libraries associated
with the storage and care of journal collections
* To assist scholarly associations and publishers in making the
transition to electronic modes of publication
* To study the impact of providing electronic access on the use of these
scholarly materials
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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