WIPO daily reports during 2-20 Dec

Subject: WIPO daily reports during 2-20 Dec
From: Emanuella Giavarra (ecup.secr@dial.pipex.com)
Date: to 05 joulu  1996 - 19:00:04 EET

Dear list members,

Also this time, Seth Greenstein, will publish his minutes of the WIPO
meetings on the net. He is intended to do this nearly every day for the
duration of the Diplomatic Conference. You can find his reports at the
Web-site of the Home Recording Rights Coalition at:


Please send your comments on these minutes to the ecup-list for
discussion. What I have heard, is that during the last three days only
procedural issues have been discussed. During the weekend and next week
the Chairmans' proposals will be discussed in detail.

It is still not too late to lobby your governments. Today I heard from a
Dutch Colleague that some Dutch MPs had put forward a motion today in the
Dutch Parliament to request that the Dutch Delegation at the Diplomatic
Conference should stress that user rights should be recognised explicitly
in the new treaties to the Berne Convention. The motion was adopted and
will be sent to the Dutch Delegation in Geneva.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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