News from the WIPO Conference

Subject: News from the WIPO Conference
From: Jakob Harnesk (
Date: ke 04 joulu  1996 - 10:32:17 EET

(Sorry for cross-posting)

Dear list members,

The WIPO Diplomatic Conference in Geneva has finally started.

According to Seth Greenstein (, daily news from
the conference are uploaded to the HRRC (Home Recording Rights
Coalition) Web site at:

Best regards,

Jakob Harnesk, Executive officer
Royal Library, BIBSAM (Office for National Planning and Co-ordination)
P.O Box 5039, S- 102 41 Stockholm,

Telephone: +46 8 463 42 70
         : +46 70 553 91 98
Fax : +46 8 463 42 74

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