Subject: Virtual shopping set to rise
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 29 marras 1996 - 19:21:19 EET
Dear list members,
I thought this announcement might be of interest to you.
Financial Times 25 November 1996
Virtual shopping set to rise
Europe's shoppers will be spending £5bn in the virtual marketplace within
five years, according to the strategic consultants Datamonitor. A recent
report called IT in Digital Payments 1996-2001, says that 10.5m
households throughout Europe will be spending an average of £476 a year
on the Internet by 2001. Currently, the market is estimated at just £4.58
per household, or £11m, with 2.4m homes able to transact on-line
The potential is expected to be substantially larger, however, with some
27m households in western Europe likely to have access to the Internet
within five years. Germany and the UK will be the largest markets,
although as they start with a higher developed base, growth will be more
subdued at 60 and 63 per cent respectively. The fastest growing markets
will be at 72% average annual growth, followed by the Netherlands and
Italy at 69%, and Spain at 68%.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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