Spanish Library Position on WIPO

Subject: Spanish Library Position on WIPO
Date: to 21 marras 1996 - 12:37:31 EET

Item Subject: Texto de mensaje

Dear list members,

A new Spanish working group on copyright has been set up on behalf of
FESABID, the Spanish Federation of Library Associations. One of the main
issues of this group will be the discussion of ECUP proposals.

The new group has created a discussion list, ES-ECUP, and posts its
information and documents at <>. This
web page is still under construction but the aim is posting there all
Spanish legislation and documents re to copyright issues for libraries.

At this web page you will also find the Spanish Library Position on the
WIPO proposal. This position document has been sent this week to the
Spanish Ministery of Education and Culture that requested it to FESABID
last October.

Best regards,

Josep Sort
Member of the Steering group of the ECUP project


Item Subject: ASORT2.TXT
============================================================JOSEP SORT Tel: +34-3-542.17.26
Library Fax: +34-3-542.16.86
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 BARCELONA (Spain)

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