Juxbox Web-sites eliminate megastores

Subject: Juxbox Web-sites eliminate megastores
From: Emanuella Giavarra (ecup.secr@dial.pipex.com)
Date: ma 11 marras 1996 - 19:12:49 EET

Dear list members,

I found the following article by Victoria Griffith in the Financial Times
(p.17) of today. The title is: "Jukebox Web sites may play death
march for megastores". A summary will follow, but I advise to read
the whole article. It's worth reading.

On 15 November 1996, Microsoft will launch an experimental
Microsoft page called Rifff. The channel will feature jazz star Herbie
Hancock in one of the first truly interactive music experiences.
Hancock has made a recording which listeners can manipulate. By
clicking on different areas of visual display, surfers can get the music
to switch gears.

At the moment, at some sites, listeners can already download
snippets of music they may be interested in buying. Artists chat with
fans and even perform concerts over the Net. The next step is that
once the quality and speed issues are taken care of, music buyers
will be very keen on the convenience of buying CDs over the Net.
Besides this, greater bandwith and personal computer capacity will
soon enable fans to download music albums within minutes.
Cerberius, a UK based Web-site, has already come up with
pay-per-play at 50 pence for each piece heard on the Net.

The conclusion of the article is, that the era of the music megastore is
over. Record companies may not die out, but will take on a new
role. Fans will have more say in the final product, and recording
artists themselves will have a new medium to work with.

My question to you is, what will be the role of the music library in
this changing environment. Secondly, do you agree with the
conclusions in this article.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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