Subject: Re: Dagens Nyheter leader
From: Rami Heinisuo (
Date: ma 11 marras 1996 - 16:06:17 EET
Is it not strange that authors and publishers both talk about the
importance of the free flow of information (like the dagens nyheter
-article shows) - and still the legislators try
their best to strengthen their copyrights? Are the publishers and authors
telling us lies or are the legislators doing something that none of the
parties (readers, writers, publisher, libraries) actually want?
The WIPO texts seem like a Mein Kampf - but whose battle is it? I as a
writer am not interested in the total control of my works - I like having
them in a library, available for all. Who is the ultimate controller - who
has told these legislators what they should write? Maybe I'm an exception
but I know many exceptions who think alike.
Rami Heinisuo
writer & librarian
On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Jakob Harnesk wrote:
> The largest Swedish morning paper, Dagens Nyheter (DN), carries a very
> interesting main editorial today (Nov 11, 1996). The editorial has the
> headline (at least when in my translation): "Knowledge shall be
> available : copyright interests must not silently limit the digital
> freedom of information". The dagens Nyheter argues strongly that the
> Swedish government should within the European Union and at the Geneva
> conference say no to the WIPO proposition.
> The editorial can be found at: Look for 'debatt och
> ledare'.
> Regards,
> ********************************************
> Jakob Harnesk, Executive officer
> Royal Library, BIBSAM (Office for National Planning and Co-ordination)
> P.O Box 5039, S- 102 41 Stockholm,
> Sweden
> E-mail:
> URL:
> Telephone: +46 8 463 42 70; +46 70 553 91 98
> Fax: +46 8 463 42 74
> ********************************************
Rami Heinisuo City Library of Pori
Information specialist Regional library of Satakunta PB 200 FIN-28101 PORI
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