FW: National strategy for provision of access to Australian electronic publications

Subject: FW: National strategy for provision of access to Australian electronic publications
From: Margaret Henty (MHENTY@nla.gov.au)
Date: ti 22 loka   1996 - 19:04:00 EEST

National strategy for provision of access to Australian electronic

The National Library has prepared a position paper which sets out a proposed
national strategy for
provision of access to Australian electronic publications. The paper can be
found on the Library's web
server at http://www.nla.gov.au/policy/paep.html and the Library is seeking
responses to it from all
those who may have an interest in the future of Australian electronic

The paper outlines the National Library of Australia's proposal for a
national strategy to provide
access to Australian electronic publications. It focuses on Australian
publishing, while recognising
that many of the topics discussed will apply to all electronic publications,
regardless of origin. The
purpose of the paper is to initiate debate on the many issues raised by
electronic publishing, in
particular to the issue of guaranteeing current and longer-term access, and
to invite comment which
may lead to collaborative approaches to resolution of the many challenges
presented by the new
media. The Library is committed to the view that collaboration is
essential. It does not, however,
have preconceived ideas as to how collaboration is best achieved, and seeks
the ideas of others to help take forward this process.

Copies of the paper are being distributed widely among all those whom the
Library believes to have an
interest in these issues. This includes libraries which currently have
responsibility for legal deposit
collections as well as other libraries and institutions which may seek to
assume responsibility for
longer term access to electronic resources or which have an interest in
provision of services such as
resource discovery and current access. The Library regards it as essential
that creators, publishers
and collectors of electronic publications should be included in considering
issues of long-term access
and conditions covering access.

The paper does not include specific proposals for national mechanisms to
carry forward the actions
required to ensure that Australian electronic publications are available for
posterity. The National
Library will develop proposals in the light of reponses to the paper.

We solicit your comments on any aspect of the issues covered in this paper.
 If there are areas which
you consider important, which are not addressed, please let us know.
 Comments and responses
should be forwarded to Warren Horton, Director-General, National Library of
Australia, Canberra,
ACT, 2600. (e-mail w.horton@nla.gov.au) by October 31, 1996.

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