Subject: Implementation of the EU Lending Directive
From: Heikki Poroila (
Date: su 25 elo 1996 - 03:47:55 EEST
Emanuella Giavarra asked about the situation of implementation of the Directive
of Rental and Lending Rights.
This directive has been implemented in Finland, too (1.5.1995). The Finnish Copyright
Law has been changed according to this directive, but from the point of view of the
library lending the change has so far been more or less cosmetic.
Our Copyright Law now gives the rightowners the right to get remuneration for the
lending of their products to public. This right has, however, been limited by the
following exception (a free translation): "There is no right for remuneration, if the
lending takes place in a public library, research library or educational library."
This exception has ment that our library activities have continued as usually. Any
other solution would have been disastrous both for the state and library budgets.
Heikki Poroila
Vantaa City Library
Secretary of the Finnish Libraries' Working Group on Copyright
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