Subject: New report on ECMS
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 14 elo 1996 - 14:18:52 EEST
Dear ecup-list subscribers,
Recently LITC of Soutbank University in London has published a
report on Electronic Copyright Management Systems written by Bill
Tuck, Charles Oppenheim and Robin Yeates.
LITC's new report assesses the technology available to assist in the
management of copyright, classifies the type of products and
techniques in use, including overprinting and watermarking,
concealed information, content/author registration and other forms of
control. The legal issues are explored and user scenarios from
author, publisher, reader and library points of view, are examined.
After reviewing relevant research projects and commercial products,
recommendations are made for copyright planning.
The LITC Report No 8 costs £ 20.00 (UK), £ 25.00 (overseas)
and can be ordered from
Best wishes,
Emanuella Giavarra
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