Re: fair use versus new technologies

Subject: Re: fair use versus new technologies
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 05 kesä   1996 - 16:42:49 EEST

Dear Rami,

Thank you very much for responding to my question.

I am very interested how you would answer the following question. How
should the new technologies effect the activities of libraries? Should all the
services a library provide electronically be free for on-site users and off-site
users or do you think that library users should pay for certain electronic
services provided by the libraries. What about on-line services?

Johanna van Waardenburg
Open University Rotterdam

> Hello Johanna,
> Some comments and ideas...
> > I have difficulties understanding that the electronic environment
> > changes the library privileges. Why should an improvement in
> > technology lead to frustration of existing rights, like the copying for
> > private use or for educational and research purposes. I would like to
> > know from the subscribers to this list what their views are on this
> > subject. How should the library privileges, the so called "user rights"
> > be treated in the electronic environment?
> The basic difference between the digital (bits) and the analog world
> (books) is reusability, ie. bits can be used and reused, time after time.
> Every copy is just like the original. Digital data
> can be transformed, copied, automatically sent across the world,
> indefinitely.
> Those who own the content (publishers, media houses, writers) are a
> little afraid - what will happen if people just download and upload their
> texts and pictures as they like?
> Fear is the driving force here - as well as greed. Writers could get a
> much larger audience ($$$£££) by _selling_ their products on-line. Writers
> are beginning to think that they are not getting paid enough (what is
> enough?) for their work.
> It is wrong to think that the new era of networks is just about
> improvements in technology, because it is more about people than
> machines. Technology is reaching a stage where it lies silently in the
> background - so the information society will be people communicating and
> changing ideas. And some people want to abuse the system to maximum
> extent. Content-based industry is afraid of those abusers, really afraid.
> Regardless of their fears, I think that the users rights must be
> honored, since legislation is 'by the people and for the people'. AFter
> all, is not every one of us a user of information one way or another?
> >
> > Johanna van Waardenburg
> > Open University Rotterdam
> >
> Greetings,
> Rami Heinisuo
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Rami Heinisuo City Library of Pori
> Information specialist Regional library of Satakunta
> PB 200 FIN-28101 PORI
> --------------------------------------------------------------

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