Subject: Legal Guide
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 04 kesä 1996 - 20:36:12 EEST
The European Information Industry Association has produced with
the support of the European Commission, DGXIII/E, a very
useful publication under the name "Legal Guide for Information
Service Providers and Users. It was published in 1995, but it is still
very up to date due to the availability of new or updated pages to
the Guide.
It contains a lot of valuable information written in the language of the
"lay-person". The guide is stuctured in three main sections:
I. A set of definitions covering the information industry and its
functions, and the relevant legal areas
II.A set of typical legal questions and answers
III. A list of laws and legislation, starting with relevant European
Directives and followed by a country to country section covering the
A free copy of the guide can be obtained from:
B.P. 262
L-2012 Luxembourg
Emanuella Giavarra
ecup-list moderator
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