Subject: interesting sites
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 04 kesä 1996 - 12:50:28 EEST
I came accross three interesting sites in the Finacial Times section on Cyber
sightings. The third site is just for amusement:
1. A listing of G7 Information Society Pilot Projects, instituted as a
follow-up to the G7 information conference in Brussels last year, is
available at
2. The US Government Printing Office has opened a useful site
under the Keeping America Informed banner. The site includes links
to full-text government publications such as the Federal Register and
Congressional Record as well as details of official information
available through federal depository libraries.
3. Political Correct Bedtime Stories. It features fascinating versions
of the Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the rest. You can find this
funny site at:
Emanuella Giavarra
ecup-list moderator
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