Cost period for cost statement 1

Subject: Cost period for cost statement 1
From: Teresa Hackett (
Date: Tue 29 May 2001 - 17:34:50 EEST

Hello again!

The period for the first cost statement is 1 November 2000 and 30
April 2001. So you can claim all (valid) payments made between 1
November 2000 and 30 April 2001, even if these relate to travel or
workshops after 30 April 2001.
You cannot claim for any payments MADE after 30 April. These
will go into the second cost statement which will be made in
November 2001.
For example, if you paid for your Prague travel BEFORE 30 April,
then you can claim for this now. Or if you have paid for workshop
costs BEFORE 30 April and the workshop takes place after 30
April, then you can claim for these now.
But if you pay for your Prague travel or any workshop costs after 30
April, these must wait until the 2nd cost statement.
If you are unsure about anything, please contact me.

Best wishes

Teresa Hackett, Director
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 0608
Mobile: +31-6-20416579
Fax: +31-70-309 0708
EBLIDA Lobbying for Libraries

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