Sanasepposivut suomeksi (in Finnish)

July 18th, 1997

Sanasepot ("The Wordsmiths")

The Finnish Crossword Association

Sanasepot is an independent non-profit association for Finnish crossword enthusiasts, both constructors and solvers. We are not affiliated with any crossword publisher, although some of them are our members.

The Sanasepot pages are only available in Finnish. Our main goal is to serve Finnish crossword solvers, many of whom are not familiar with the English language. Currently, we have no plans to create an English version of these pages. However, you are welcome to browse.

The most popular type of crossword puzzles in Finland is picture crossword. Take a look at some examples on our crossword puzzle page. Just select some of the HTML links to view a crossword on your browser.

You may also want to check our crossword links to foreign pages (under the heading "Vieraskieliset sivut").

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