Samuel Beckett/Jussi Saivo/Mikko Kanninen: KRAPP

A sonic experiment/audio theatre production in search of "Beckett feeling". This was made before the actual Krapp`s last tape play was in premier. It is quite wild, loud and distorted, but it get`s better every time.....enjoy!

[[Listen the whole thing!! ( .mp3 / 32 min / 28.4 MB ) ]]


Following Circus Maximus' radio dramas are made in co-operation with the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE.

Miko Jaakkola - Jussi Lehtonen: Turing

An audio adaptation of the successful stage production went much further than mere recital of the text and became an independent piece of art. A soothing but profound listening experience.

Broadcast date: 21-05-2002

Script: Miko Jaakkola & Jussi Lehtonen
Director: Miko Jaakkola
Sound design: Jussi Saivo

Jussi Lehtonen

Mika Rättö
Tomi Leppänen
Tomi Kosonen

[[Listen excerpt ( .mp3 / 4:31 min / 4,14 MB ) ]]

Mikko Viljanen: Hulluuden laidalla
( At the brink of Insanity )

Alternative history of marshall Mannerheim's youth following the story of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. This production combines critical reading of history with a classic adventure on the icy rivers of Siberia.

Broadcast date: 27-05-2002

Script: Mikko Viljanen
Director: Mikko Kanninen
Sound design & music: Arttu Kontkanen

Mannerheim: Marko Reinola
Kai Tanner: Petri Manninen
Petrov: Janne Kallioniemi
Nikitin: Jarkko Lahti
Kiseljoff: Samuli Muje
Hrennikov: Arttu ratinen
Sampo: Ari Eilola
Poniatowski: Lorenz Backman
Marie Lubomirskaja: Elisa Piispanen
Greta Munck: Heidi Kiviharju
Waiter: Marko Reinola
Man in a hole: Janne Kallioniemi
Crying woman: Heidi Kiviharju
Observer: Mikko Kanninen

[[Listen excerpt ( .mp3 / 2:06 min / 2,41 MB )]]

George Orwell - Mikko Viljanen: Eläköön tuonenkielo
( Keep the Aspidistra Flying )

Orwellian mindscape in audio form. 1930's story about young commercial professional's rebellion against the power of money is now more topical than ever.

Broadcast date: 27-01-2003

Script: Mikko Viljanen
Director: Mikko Kanninen
Sound design & music: Arttu Kontkanen

Gordon Comstock: Janne Kallioniemi
Rosemary Waterlow: Heidi Kiviharju
Ravelston: Tommi Raitolehto
Paxton: Mikko Kanninen
Other men: Mikko Rantaniva
Other women: Elisa Piispanen

[[Listen excerpt ( .mp3 / 3:03 min / 3,50 MB )]]