My Interests

What 'bout my interest? What do I like? Well, dear reader, you might have got somekind of hint about my likings from the previous pages. Theosophy, vegetarianism, astrology, history (especially of the imperial Russia)... As you can see, I also know little about computers. Throughout the years I have done web pages for some organizations and private persons too. If you want to see my other works, drop in to the homepage Ananda Marga Finland or meet my friend Marianne.

Previously I mentioned about meditation. Now I owe you an explanation. More than ten years ago I learned ancient Indian tantra meditation in Ananda Marga Yoga Society. Since that I have been meditating regularly, in the beginning two, later on four times a day. Meditation, as I told you before, gives me strength to keep going on. It offers a solid basement in the middle of this worldly chaos.


It would be incorrect to say that meditation has nothing to do with religion. In fact, meditation is the way to God's kingdom, if you like the expression. Throughout the ages, in every religion, the sages and mystics have preferred the silent, secret meditation instead of loud preaching and external ceremonies. The mediaeval hierarch St. Basil the Great said: "We should do our utmost to achieve the peace of mind. The eye, which ceaselessly moves from side to side, up and down, cannot see anything clearly. If we want to study an object carefully, we must fix our gaze on it. Same holds true with the mind. If the mind is full of mundane worries, it will not see the truth clearly." After withdrawing the mind from worldly susceptibilities one should direct it towards the only true entity in the innermost core of one's existence. "If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."[Matthew 6:22] This is meditation.

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The science of meditation is based on the likeness between microcosm and macrocosm "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."[Genesis 1:26] When a human being will go deep within, he will meet the same infinite spirit that supplies eternal elan vital for the whole universe. Therefore the realized saints and ascetics in all religions told to their disciples to go within, within... In a fact, despite of all research in different fields of knowledge, human beings have never learned to know themselves fully. The respected Sigmund Freud shook the western minds with the message that most of our mental being actually resides in the hidden subconscious mind, that we don't really control our thoughts and desires. However, he or his followers could never fathom the true greatness of human being as they denied the spiritual side of our existence. The spirit that dwells above the mortal human framework or unsteady mind is its real resident. We exist because our spirit exists, and that spirit is eternal, immortal and ever free.

Therefore I will recommend each and every one to go deep within, to explore their inner being by the scientific cult of meditation. Rather, I would say it is useless to try to base one's existence upon material pleasures. As we grow old, our capacity to enjoy the material world fades away. Finally we cannot even see or hear properly. And even if we could live for thousands of years, the death finally comes, inevitably. The only true treasures that we can collect exist "in heaven", in our spirit "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." [Matt. 6:20] All other wealth will sooner or later go away from our disposal. The choice is yours, my dear reader. Whatever is your decision, I wish you luck. If you want to continue, more relating this topic you will find from my Linkpage.

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