
This report describes one of the first Internet-sites of a public library, i.e. the Knot at the Cable in the Cable Book, a branch of Helsinki City library. The English version is based on the more extensive report in Finnish "Kaapelisolmun ensimmäiset kuusi kuukautta 28.2. - 28.8.1994" (The First Six Months at the Knot at the Cable, February 28 - August 28, 1994) The original report appeared in the publication series of the Helsinki City Library (Helsingin kaupunginkirjaston julkaisuja 12, 1994). The summary is a version of the article "Networking the Library", by Mikael Böök and Susanna Sucksdorff.

The report appears both as an electronic publication in Internet/World Wide Web and as a paper duplicate, which was printed directly from the WWW-documents.

Helsinki, October 23, 1994

Mikael Böök, Jyrki Kuoppala, Erkki Lounasvuori


			Katto-Meny Coop. Soc.
			Tallberginkatu 1 / 39
			FI-00180 Helsinki

			Phone   (3580) 694 7730   

			The Cable Book
			Tallberginkatu 1 B / 47
			Fax     (3580) 693 3219 