[puhekupla] Tehkää hyvä karikatyyri, palkintona matka Romaniaan!
From: Ville Hänninen (ville.hanninen@helsinki.fi)
Date: 11.11.2003 - 11:04:04
Ohessa Cartoonists' Rights Networkin kutsu osallistua kv. Luca Caragiale -
karikatyyrikilpailuun. Hyvät työt pääsevät näyttelykataloogiin JA
bonuksena myös kutsu näyttelyn avajaisiin Romaniaan. Järjestäjät maksavat
matkakulut, joten oheinen viesti kannattaa lukea. Ja kuvia
kirjailijastakin näkyy olevan netissä, mikäli tekijän nimi ja naama eivät
ole tuttuja..
t. ville h.
"International Federation of Journalists" and "Cartoonists Rights Network
East Europe" is going to prepare one international exhibition dedicated to
Ion Luca Caragiale, great East European writer, humorist, dramatist and
journalist, great hero of East Europe.
Theme: You have to make CARAGIALE's portrait or caricature.
You can see CARAGIALE photos at http://www.cartoon-crn.com/caragiale.htm
About Caragiale to can know moore at:
Exhibition will be open a Bucharest in March, 2004.
Many great caricaturists from the world send theirs art-work.
See the most importants cartoons at http://www.cartoon-crn.com/pl_4.htm .
The drawings will be send at this address:
Cartoonists Rights Network,
Str-Eminescu, Nr-28A, Ap-27
OP-1, CP-172,
Ploiesti, Romania
The caricature sending by e-mail will be accepted (at 300 dpi, size 21 x
30 cm approximately)
Size: Free
Technique: Free, any style, any technique.
At least 50 cartoonists participant will be invited to participate at
exhibition's open.
All expenses (transport, accommodation, meals and per/diem will be
supported to organizers)
The organizers will supported all the costs.
The author must send his photo or caricature and a short CV (biography).
The catalogue of exhibition will be send, free of charge at all
Nicolae Ionita
Cartoonists Rights Network East Europe
Ville Hänninen (freelance journalist, critic)
ville.hanninen@helsinki.fi, +358-50-341 6715
Ville Hänninen, Hakaniemenranta 4 A 28, 00530 Helsinki, FINLAND