Re: [puhekupla] Jarkko Laine
Date: 10.03.2002 - 23:52:52
Sain tämmöisen linkin Time-lehden artikkeliin, jossa joukko amerikkalaisia
sarjakuvantekijöitä Chris Waresta Art Spiegelmaniin keskustelee sarjakuvan
Oheistan tähän siitä pätkän, jossa keskustellaan sarjakuvan paikasta
Asked how he felt about being included in this year's Biennial
exhibition at New York's Whitney museum, Ware said he felt
flattered but dismissed it as "luck of the draw." "It's also fairly
nonsensical because the clip that I'm including you have to sit down
and read. You can't spend a lot of time looking at the artwork on
the wall. It's the difference between art for reproduction and art
for display." Richard McGuire then spoke of his own recent work,
installations of large comix panels that hang from the ceiling, as an
example of finding a gray area between these two types of art.
When McGuire asked Ware if installations were something he
would "get a charge out of," Ware shrugged. "A comic strip original
is not necessarily something you get an aesthetic charge out of," he
replied. More hopeful, Spiegelman piped in, "On the other hand,
you put it on a wall — they look, you know?"
Harvinaista kyllä, olen samaa mieltä Spiegelmanin kanssa!
Olen itse menossa katsomaan ko. Whitneyn näyttelyn huhtikuun alussa, joten voin
sitten kertoa, miltä se näyttää...
---Jyrki Vainio