[puhekupla] Fwd: [afnews] Charles M. Schulz -museo
From: timo ronkainen (timoro@hotmail.com)
Date: 19.12.2001 - 01:13:13
>From: "gianfrancogoria" <goria@inrete.it>
>Reply-To: afnews-owner@yahoogroups.com
>To: afnews@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [afnews] Il Museo di Snoopy
>Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:00:59 -0000
>The Charles M. Schulz Museum will open in Spring 2002. Meanwhile it
>is at www.charlesmschulzmuseum.org and the first exhibiton is at the
>Norman Rockwell Museum www.nrm.org.
>Martedì, 18 Dicembre 2001 - Posted by afnews. Copyright by the Poster.
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Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
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Finland ----------------------- -
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