[puhekupla] ICAFin akateeminen sarjakuvapostilista
From: roju (roju@kaapeli.fi)
Date: 27.09.2001 - 14:23:23
Toivottavasti tämä spammaus ei pilaa päiväänne
Mikäli sarjakuvatutkimus kiinnostaa, saattaa tämä postituslista kiinnostaa myös. Viesti on vähän pitkä ja sekava, mutta asia ihan kunnollinen. Eli ICAF on Marylandin Small Press Expon yhteydessä pidettävä vuotuinen, Amerikan mantereen varteenotettavin sarjakuvaseminaari ja alla on liittymisohjeet heidän vasta avatulle keskustelulistalleen.
t. roju
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From: Charles Hatfield / ICAF Exec Committee <charles.hatfield@csun.edu>
To: icaf@topica.com
Date: Sep 26, 2001 11:44 PM
Subject: ICAF Request YOUR help! (1st posting)
--------------------------- original message follows --------------------------
A request of our subscribers:
By now the “ICAF News” list has
been offered to all those subscribed
to our original list as of 8/20/01,
as well as several new people. Most
have rejoined – but we’d
like to extend our reach further.
Can you help ICAF extend the
range of its news and CFPs by
recommending our list to
colleagues, students, teachers,
administrators, departments,
other scholarly institutions, or
journalists? It would be a great
help to our event, and to the
growing field of comics
scholarship, if you would query
potentially interested parties,
tell them about ICAF and
about our list, and supply them
with the appropriate URL for
< http://www.topica.com/lists/icaf/>.
(From there people can also check out
our website, at http://go.to/icaf).
We are not asking for you to coax
uninterested parties, nor to give
out private addresses (this is NOT
a request for information from you).
Rather, we’re simply asking you to
remember colleagues and personal
connections that may already have some
strong interest in comics and in word/image
studies – people and institutions
who you think ought to be aware
of ICAF, but may not know about
our announcement list.
In the past ICAF (like other comics-
related conferences) has benefited
from the influx of interested people
who found out about it almost
by accident – serendipitously,
through the remarks of colleagues
and friends. From this we have
built a network of connections
which we would like to help grow.
If you could help by referring interested
parties to us (e.g., do you have students
interested in comic art, or colleagues
who study picture books or other
kinds of visual narrative?), we would
greatly appreciate it – and we like to
think that you’ll be doing our field a favor.
Over and over we at ICAF
have talked to colleagues who are
surprised and delighted to find out
about the recent groundswell in
comics studies, and who are especially
intrigued by the uniqueness of
our event – something the likes
of which they’ve never experienced,
and something they’d like to know
more about. We want to get the word
out, so that teachers and researchers
and institutions can’t miss what’s
happening in our field.
No need to contact us regarding this
request – instead send your colleagues
our way!
Much thanks,
Charles Hatfield
“ICAF News” Owner
ICAF Executive Committee
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Johanna Rojola <roju@kaapeli.fi> 041-5133173
Suomen sarjakuvaseura ry. /Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalit
PL 927, FIN-00101 Helsinki * Fredrikinkatu 61 A 60, 00100 Helsinki
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