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[puhekupla] Marvelilla NYCissä kaikki OK

From: Reima Mäkinen (
Date: 18.09.2001 - 11:07:07

Tälläistä stooria www.marvel.comissa. Ovat ilmeisesti tekemässä jotain
spessua. Kapteeni amerikka pyytää kotisivun kuvallisessa "mainoksessa"
luovuttamaan verta ...



In The Midst Of Terror: Heroes
Marvel salutes the brave men and women of NYC with a tribute comic!

September 14, 2001
The House is open

Marvel Comics was back in business and operating at near-full capacity on
Thursday, September 13, two days after terrorist attacks leveled the World
Trade Center towers a few miles South of the company's Manhattan
headquaters. All editorial and art operations at the company are moving

Still, Marvel's Bill Rosemann had a small request. "It's hard to put into
words how we at Marvel are feeling right now," Rosemann said. "Some of us
are attempting to get back to 'normal' to show the bad guys that they
cannot defeat our spirit, while others are just trying to find out if loved
ones are alive.

"So while many of us in editorial are back at work, let's all hold off on
the business calls. Instead, let's just focus on whether we're all okay.
Now is the time for healing and for thinking of all those hurt by this
horrific tragedy, and for all of those true heroes who are at this very
moment trying to help those in need. Keep these victims and heroes in your
thoughts as we sort through the madness.

"On a personal note, I am truly touched by all those who have reached out
to us and forwarded their feelings of compassion. It's moments like this
that make me glad that I'm part of this extended family."

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