[puhekupla] Kopiointia/swaippausta..anekdootti
From: timo ronkainen (timoro@hotmail.com)
Date: 28.08.2001 - 21:52:52
Sattui silmiini hauskahko anekdootti kopioinnista eli ns. swipeistä (swipe)
joita tunnetusti sarjakuvapiirtäjät kiireissään yms syistä harrastivat (ja
harrastanevat tietty yhä).
Lainaan sen oheen:
It is not an uncommon practice amongst comic strip and comic book artists to
"borrow" layouts and drawing styles from other artists. In an interview
published in King Comic Heroes (James Van Hise, Pioneer Books, 1988), Lee
Falk tells an amusing anecdote from the early days of his Mandrake strip:
"When I was working with Phil Davis doing layouts very early in the game, we
had a Sunday page which had some rearing horses. Now these are illustrative
artists and they use photo references and whole files of other artists'
material. When I indicated a rifle or a gun or a tank, he had a model or
something to copy from. They didn't copy it -- they used the file to get
something for a model and they sketched from it. They didn't trace it or
anything like that. They had to have a model just like they'd have a model
for a woman. At that very moment, in I think it was Flash Gordon, they had
some rearing horses. We used that as inspiration, but we didn't copy it.
About a year later I moved to New York, and I went up and I had dinner with
Alex Raymond up in Stamford where I'd moved to in Connecticut and he was
showing me through his studio in his beautiful house and there on his
drawing board was the Flash Gordon he was working on and next to it was the
Sunday page of Mandrake with the rearing horses -- he was using it as a
model. I said, 'But Alex, we copied that from you!' He said "Oh, for
Christ's sake!' He'd forgotten."
Tämä löytyi osoitteesta: The Phantom Reference Guide
Sieltä löytyy mm. liuta ruutuja joita Sy Barry kopioi Hal Fosterilta
Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -
¨¨ Personal:
¨¨ Ankkalinnan Pamaus:
"Rumble on, buxom bumble bee!
Go sit on cowslip - far from me!"
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