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[puhekupla] Sori, uusi yritys paremmalla onnella...

From: Maria Björklund (
Date: 08.01.2001 - 16:32:32
<> <">>



Dear anthology-associated creative soul,


My name is Andrew Luke, and for the last sixteen months I’ve been publishing
TRS2, a publication devoted to putting underground comics artists under the
spotlight and hopefully bringing them to a wider audience. I’m writing to
you concerning Shareware comics, a new co-operative body barely a month old.
Shareware is dedicated to the same goals as I, and the brain behind it, Paul
J Holden, is a man with a plan.


The idea is that cartoonists scan their work onto a webpage which in turn
becomes part of the Shareware comics webring. This is beneficial for
cartoonists, as the hope is that they will have their work seen by a
significantly larger audience. This is beneficial for anthology publishers
as they will have a wider range of work to choose from, instantly


When a publisher chooses to download a piece of work they must abide by
certain conditions. All sensible stuff. Each creator involved is to receive
a copy of each publication that their work appears in. They must agree to
fully credit the creator/s and Shareware comics. They must not alter the
original composition (size or order) of the work unless express permission
is given from the creator beforehand.


Shareware Comics while having a firm constitution is built from the wishes
and needs of all who are involved in it. The constitution has specific
adherences, but for the most part can be tailored to the needs of the


There are many involved in Shareware including (St) Pete Ashton, original
publisher of TRS and adamant supporter of the small press worldwide.
Creators of HOLY CROSS, Paul J Holden and Mal Coney have already started the
process by donating to Shareware THE SIMPLY INCREDIBLE HUNK. This is a
lengthy piece, works of any size are acceptable.


There is a slim chance this may lead to paid work, and if you work in the
small press you know how much caution is in my fingers as I type that.
Shareware isn’t about money rather it’s about increasing visibility. About
getting your work seen all over the place and showing other’s work all over
the place. Cartoonists, you could have a strip in a comic in London, in New
York and in Sydney, and another strip in the same places. Publishers, after
a while you can have your pick of pieces, designed to suit your needs in
quality, theme, format and page count.


I strongly support Shareware and urge that you check out the ongoing
constitution at
<> and at <">>

We need as many talented onboard in order for this to work. Take a look at
those links. Decide if you want to be a part of it. We would be happy to
have you.


Be well


Andrew Luke <> <>

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