Subject: French Bill to restore confidence on eCommerce
From: Carmen Morlon (
Date: ma 10 maalis 2003 - 17:16:45 EET
To ECUP-list,
French Minister for Industry, Nicole Fontaine presented a bill during a
French government ministerial meeting on 15 January, aimed at restoring
confidence in eCommerce in France.
The proposed bill is in keeping with the European Directive of 8 June
2002, which seeks to develop information society services. It is hoped
that in turn such services will offer significant employment
opportunities in small and medium sized enterprises, as well stimulate
investment in innovation by European companies, thus enhancing the
competitiveness of European Industry.
In an action plan entitled 'RESO 2007', French Prime Minister
Jean-Pierre Raffarin presented the first text for the bill in November
2002. He expressed the need 'instil confidence and support innovation'
in order to 'create an environment favourable for the development of
structures, content and services.'
With this in mind, the bill proposed by Ms Fontaine contains clearer
rules for Internet business while also addressing the need for a more
secure environment for online users. Significant precision is given to
the management of French Internet addresses and the rules concerning
Internet service providers and web site hosting services.
It also suggests innovative actions such as the introduction of
electronic commercial contracts whereby consumers can double check an
order they have made before having to pay for it. Such measures aim to
make eCommerce more transparent for users.
The need to combat cyber crime is also given much consideration in the
proposal, as is the liberalisation of cryptology.
eCommerce in France is growing at a steady rate of 25 per cent a year,
transforming a wide variety of business sectors. In recognising the
potential, the bill outlines the French government's goal of
facilitating greater Internet availability: Recent reductions in the
price of Internet subscription show a growing commitment to electronic
services in France.
For further information visit
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Record Control Number: 19573
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