Managing IP - a guide to strategic decision-making in universities

Subject: Managing IP - a guide to strategic decision-making in universities
From: Carmen Morlon (
Date: pe 30 elo    2002 - 16:35:55 EEST

To ECUP List,

The UK Patents Office, responsible for Intellectual Property (Copyright,
Designs, Patents and Trade Marks) in the UK has published 'Managing
Intellectual Property - A guide to strategic decision-making in
universities'(2002), available at:

This guide highlights key themes and good practices to be found in
the broadly successful record of UK universities in managing
Intellectual Property. The Guide identifies key issues that senior
managers need to address in developing their strategies and illustrates
a number of ways in which commonly encountered challenges can
successfully be met.

For further information email to:
Fax: +44 1633 813 600

In addition, the eCommerce and development report 2001 by UNCTAD, United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development,is available at: The 2002 eCommerce
and development report 2002 will be launched mid-November 2002, see

Carmen Morlon
EU Information Officer
PO BOX 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 70 309 06 08
Fax: +31 70 309 07 08
Lobbying for Libraries

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