Subject: German expert report on data protection
From: Morlon Carmen (
Date: pe 22 helmi 2002 - 11:44:42 EET
To ECUP-list members,
FYI, from the Legal InfoSoc News Kiosk (The L.i.n.k.).
A group of data protection experts, set up by the German federal
ministry of the Interior, has presented its report on a reform of German
data protection laws. Overall, the study would like to see the various
German data protection laws simplified and standardised and the adoption
of a single code on data protection.
The German data protection framework does not reflect new developments
in technology or the globalisation of the economy. The new regulation
should include provisions on the use and transfer of personal data,
including information on legal entities, without distinguishing between
public authorities and private entities.
The new concept is based on the principle that the use of personal data
should generally be allowed without further permission, on the proviso
that it does not affect the interests of the individual. For more
information contact:
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