Subject: Intellectual property rights in a knowledge-based
From: Carmen Morlon (
Date: ke 05 joulu 2001 - 16:46:59 EET
TO ECUP-list members,
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Date sent: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:54:24 +0200
Subject: Intellectual property rights in a knowledge-based
economy: MERIT- Infonomics portal
Dear Colleagues,
> The MERIT-Infonomics portal is a continuously updated source for an
> online bibliography of legislation, working papers and links in the
> field of intellectual property rights and the knowledge-based economy
> (i.e. "information goods").
> The online references include an extensive list of research papers,
> journal articles and EU and US precedents on issues of copyrights,
> patents and trademarks in software, biotechnology and other fields of
> the 'new economy'. The bibliography covers both legal and economics
> literatures, including MERIT studies for the IRIS project (Intellectual
> Property Rights in the Information Society) commissioned by the Dutch
> Advisory Board on Policy (AWT). It also includes direct links to the
> sources for easier access. In the near future the site will include a
> powerful search-engine that will allow searches for authors, paper
> titles and keywords.
> We are interested to expand the discussion on intellectual property
> rights and the Information Economy and would appreciate your
> contributions to this website. The portal is an interactive
> bibliographical source which enables researchers to submit references to
> their own works and to related publications. The message board also
> serves as a stage for discussion and information exchange on relevant
> issues.
> Our address is:
> We hope that you benefit from the contents of the website. As always,
> your help and comments are very much appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Prof. Robin Cowan
> Elad Harison
> MERIT - Maastricht University and
> The International Inst. on Infonomics
> Apologies for cross-posting of this message.
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Carmen Morlon, EU Information Officer
PO Box 43300
2504 AH The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 3090608
Fax: +31 70 3090708
Lobbying for Libraries
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